Healthcare should be seamless.
Founding Problem: As health care shifts from fee-for-service to fee-for-value, providers and risk managers need to know when patients have a medical event in order to prevent encounters from becoming extremely long or common. Providers at every setting of care are now expected to handle higher acuity patients in less time than ever before, and to move patients to a less expensive setting (such as hospital to home health).
Meanwhile, ACO care managers charged with keeping track of these patients don’t know where and when their patients have a medical event because the infrastructure connecting providers is poor or even non existent (specifically between health systems). Care managers therefore can’t intervene if a patient continues to show up over and over in the ER or if a length of stay becomes extremely long- because they don’t know it’s happening.
Solution: Send a Ping, or notification, to ACO care managers when their patients receive care anywhere. Care managers then use that information to work with other members of a patient’s care team to better coordinate and get each patient home safer and faster. This creates a connected network of providers around each patient.
User Profile & Major Concerns
Product Issues
These individuals are used to receiving patient data via insurance claims - which are 3 months old or older at the time of review. Users needed to shift behavior and act on real-time patient event data. This behavior change was motivated through customized and targeted panel prioritization.
Time Savings - High Utilizer Flag - Email & Text Notifications The high utilizer flag immediately identifies patients who need intervention so resources can be applied appropriately and efficiently.
Flexibility - Custom Tagging Convenience - Users create flexible, custom segments of patients based on unique criteria, enabling shifting workflows as providers experiment with the best ways to improve patient population outcomes.
Convenience - Email & Text Notifications - By specifying the types of patient events found most critical to them, users receive mobile updates on only events they find urgent - without disrupting their existing workflows such as rounds.
High Utilizer Flag - Stratifying Panel and Ping Feed
These providers typically have a panel of thousands of patients, and have never received this level of data in real-time before. The High Utilizer Flag was designed to help dig through the noise and identify patients who need intervention immediately.
After conducting user research on industry frequent flier parameters, flags were set to appear on Pings for patients who have had 3 or more ED visits in the last 60 days. Because the flag works off of real-time data, as opposed to claims data which is at least 3 months old, users can intervene before a patient’s condition gets worse.
RESULT - Feature increased DAU/MAU by 9.2% in first 30 days post-release.
Custom Tagging
While the High Utilizer Flag is managed by logic built on event data, users can identify patients for cohorts of their own specific interests. These tags allow for custom care instructions to be shared across facilities and health systems and also enables content sharing between all user types.
Custom tagging was designed to create flexible groups of patients, and then tie unique actions and workflows to each group, as many providers are still experimenting with workflows and deciding which patient segments they want to focus on. Custom Tagging
Email & Text Notifications
For users who round at patient facilities, it is critical they don’t have to sit in front of a computer waiting for updates on occurring events. A notification system was designed for users to receive email or mobile updates when their patients have an event.
Users can select the types of events they want to receive a notification for (i.e. the most critical). An indicator sets expectations around the number of messages a user is likely to receive based on their settings, and messages can be turned off across specific times, such as non-business hours.
RESULT: As one of the largest asks from active users and potential customers alike, this feature was designed to result in a log in 50% of the time. It is scheduled to be deployed at the end of Q3.